Parish Tithe Program2022-10-05T14:27:01+00:00


“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.”
-Matthew 25:35-36

Saint Andrew Catholic Church Tithe Program

Saint Andrew Catholic Parish in Clemson allocates a portion of its annual budget toward donations in support local, national, and international organizations that provide direct service (feeding the hungry, providing shelter, accessing health care, …), education, and advocacy to advance our church’s teachings about mercy, justice, and the common good.

Fiscal year funding for the program (July 1 – June 30) is determined by allocating five percent (5%) of the Sunday offertory donations of the preceding fiscal year. The Parish Peace and Justice Committee administers the Program in consultation with the Pastor.

Most donations go to local community service agencies, and preference is given to those efforts that generate significant participation from Saint Andrew parishioners. Parishioners or parish groups are encouraged to use the form to request a tithe to recommend potential tithe recipients, or to request seed money to support new initiatives emphasizing mercy, justice, or common good efforts.

The Sunday Bulletin announces the week’s tithe recipient(s). Periodically, a Bulletin insert may also offer additional information about tithe recipients and their activities. An annual tithe report is available on the Parish website.

Questions about the tithe program may be directed to Father Dan (854) 643-2011,; or Bob Fennell (864) 654-5961,

Tithe Request:

Please download the Tithe Request Form and submit.

Grant Program:

Guidelines for the Grant Program can be reviewed here along with an application form and a report form