Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) is a two-day thoughtful, enjoyable experience and process designed to enable an individual to move from an experience of “church” to an experience of “being church” and finally to the experience of “being church for others.”
CRHP was developed in 1969 and has been implemented in 1,263 parishes in 95 U.S. dioceses in 36 states, as well as in five foreign countries. It is centered around a parish renewal weekend and stresses a clear focus on the Gospel. It fosters parish renewal by furthering conversation and community, ministry and prayer, healing and holiness, spiritual growth and Gospel service. Saint Andrew has participated since 2008 with typically 10-20 new attendees each for the men’s and women’s weekends.
CRHP emphasizes continued growth in Christian life during our daily contacts with others and offers an excellent opportunity to meet other parishioners in a no-pressure setting. This powerful experience brings parishioners together to refuel their spirits, strengthen their faith and build a sense of community within the parish.
Held at Saint Andrew, the weekend renewal experience is an opportunity to say “yes” to a closer and deeper relationship with God. Separate women’s and men’s weekends are established. Any parishioner (including grad students and post-docs) who is interested making a deeper connection to their faith and the Saint Andrew community should come. Participants include men and women of all ages – moms, dads, singles, seniors, young adults… all are welcome to rest, renew, and recharge. Let the Holy Spirit give you a nudge towards saying yes for yourself, family, and friends.
The Saturday-Sunday renewal weekend experience enables participants to hear and discuss how Catholics function in our modern, complex, fast-paced society. By providing an atmosphere for individual spiritual growth through prayer and personal reflection, the weekend becomes a time to get reconnected with God—through Scripture, prayer, personal reflection, singing, and listening to short personal talks by witnesses that are inspirational. An opportunity for Reconciliation will be made available for those who wish, and we celebrate the Eucharist at Mass. It’s a chance to step back and reflect on your personal journey with Christ. You can share conversation and thoughts (as much or as little as you like) with others in the parish who also experience the many demands of everyday life presented by families, society and jobs. If you’re not a participator-type person, trust us, everyone will make you feel comfortable.
Most importantly, this is put together by our own parishioners and clergy just for you.
If you desire to grow in your personal relationship with Christ, this is a marvelous opportunity. All attendees have said it was a worthwhile endeavor: some participants truly have a big “Ah Ha” experience; others have a good “a huh” experience, continuing to move their spiritual lives forward. Either way, let the Holy Spirit give you a nudge to participate. Talk with the Lord to see if this is the right time for you.
A team of lay men and women who have attended a previous weekend prepare, host, and lead the retreats under the guidance of our pastor. Each Team has been meeting for several months preparing for the renewal weekend. Some give talks on selected themes or lead group discussions. Others plan liturgy and music, arrange meals, and help facilitate. All team members are dedicated to ensuring an atmosphere of warmth and hospitality. The renewal weekend can be made as a personal growth experience with no further commitments. However, many participants choose to become members of the new team and present the next weekend for other members of the parish.
The weekend goes from Saturday 8:00AM to approximately 9:00PM; Sunday from 8:00AM to approximately 2:30PM. No weekend stayover, but you are required to attend the whole weekend schedule of sessions. Casual, comfortable clothing is appropriate for both days. Food and beverages will be provided, including any special dietary needs. Just bring yourself and an openness to the movement of the Holy Spirit in your life as together we journey to a renewed life in Christ.
We invite you to join the many parishioners who have attended CRHP at Saint Andrew since 2008. Come see that you are a vital link to our church community.
Women’s Weekend – February 15-16, 2025
Kate Hallenbeck
[email protected] or 203-257-6663
Men’s Weekend – February 22-23, 2025
Terry Farris
[email protected] or 864-506-4837
Click here to download registration form.