Liturgical Ministers2018-04-10T03:08:05+00:00


Come give of your time and talents!

You learn to speak by speaking, to study by studying, to run by running, to work by working, and just so, you learn to love by loving. All those who think to learn in any other way deceive themselves.
-St. Francis de Sales

Verbal Announcements at Mass

VERBAL ANNOUNCEMENTS for weekend liturgies should be emailed to Nancy Leininger at no later than 5:00 PM on the Tuesday before that weekend.

Liturgical Ministry in our Parish

Each week, hundreds of Catholics worship at Saint Andrew Church. Some serve as liturgical ministers during the liturgies. Their ministry touches all who come to worship at our parish and assists the faith community in its public communal prayer.

Various liturgical ministries are available for the laity to serve in our parish. They include:

  • Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers)
  • Lectors
  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
  • Altar Servers
  • Members of the Children’s Liturgy Team
  • Members of the Art & Environment Committee
  • Sacristans

Musical opportunities may be found here.

Please consider offering a few hours each month in stewardship to our parish by serving as a lay liturgical minister. You can find more information about each of these ministries in the next page section.

More Information about the Ministries

Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers) –

Ushers provide a sense of welcome to all worshipers. Ushers’ main duties include seating people, answering questions, and taking up the weekly offertory collection(s).

Lectors –

Lectors assist with the proclamation of the Word of God. These ministers must be able to proclaim the readings, prayers, and announcements clearly and effectively to the assembly.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion –

Eucharistic Ministers assist the presider and the deacon with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ. All who serve in this ministry must be fully initiated into the Roman Catholic Church (i.e. having received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion).

Altar Servers –

Altar Servers assist the presider throughout the Liturgy. This ministry is open to all people in the fourth grade or older who have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, and Holy Communion.

Children’s Liturgy Teams –

The Children’s Liturgy Teams minister to our young people (ages K-6) on the first Sunday of each month during the 8:30 and 11:15 AM mass during the school year. They break open God’s Word to young people during a separate Liturgy of the Word within Sunday Mass.

Art & Environment Committee –

The Art & Environment Committee members serve as the “beautifiers” of our worship spaces. They contribute their time, style, and sense of beauty to making our churches places that represent the Liturgical Seasons of the Church year, using Church documents as their guidelines.

Sacristans –

Sacristans clean and prepare vestments and linens for the Sunday liturgies, set up for week-day Masses, and assist at funeral liturgies.

Contact Information

For more information about getting involved in the liturgical life of our parish, contact the Parish Office at (864)-654-1757 or

Funeral Planning

Give yourself and your loved ones peace of mind by planning your funeral rites. Please contact Fr. Dan McLellan at